
More Gwinivere

The first few days with Gwin have passed, 
and I want to recall every second of it...

but that would take too long, and I'm not waiting 
unnecessarily before we head back to the stables,
so this quick recap will have to suffice. :)

We've been living at the stables. 
We've learned the ropes and made nice with 
the other boarders who visit more frequently. 

We fall more and more in love with Gwinivere every day.
She's so sweet and is really getting used to and warming up to us. 

The first day she arrived at the stables
we walked her around, let her check stuff out.
We took a walk on the street with a couple of other horses
and their owners.

In the afternoon, when it was time to go home and eat,
we turned her out into the pen that Linda (the stable owner)
felt she would do best in. 

I knew the herd would size her up and learn quickly
that she's very submissive and doesn't want any trouble. 

It was still hard to leave her as she whinnied at the fence post
like she wanted out.

I returned a couple of hours later
after picking up some supplies and work boots.

For such a calm and relaxed girl
I was surprised how high she was carrying herself.
She was anxious and insisting that she be able to see
all the way around herself at all times.

I brushed her, gave her some treats,
reassured her that she would be fine (of course, to no avail)
and then returned her to her pen for the night. 

I could tell that the other Appaloosa mare was desperate to get to know her.
But Gwin was too nervous and cautious at first. 

She kept her distance.

When we returned the next day for riding,
Linda told me that Gwin had made best friends with the two 
"top dogs" of her pen (including the Appaloosa)
and she was not worried one bit about who
would be under the shanty for the freezing rain expected that night.

I still put a blanket on Gwin, just incase. ;) 

That night, we groomed and snuggled Gwin.
I saddled and bridled her and rode her for the first time since she's been here.
We did even better than we had the first time I rode her at her last stables.
Which wasn't a big surprise with all the ground work
and relationship building we've been up to. 

There is SO much to write, but honestly,
I can't take one more second of thinking of her 
and not being with her. 

So, we're off to get through school
so we can head to the stables again. 
In just three more days we will be DONE with 
homeschool for the month of April,
and we absolutely can not wait!

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