
A Day in the Life

I kept a record of this day... I'd like to do this more often once in a while. 
I would love to have these from when I was a kid. 

6:55  you woke and came down to climb in bed with us - we gave your Dad a sandwich cuddle

7:10  your Dad got up for his shower and we snuggled another few minutes

7:15  you got up to draw at the kitchen island (you’ve been drawing every morning this week)

7:30  I made the bed – your Dad made you eggs and toast – I made us all green drinks

7:45  Your Dad and I had our morning slow dance to James Morrison’s, You Make It Real

7:50  We waved your Dad off to work at the front door (everyday, we stand in the front door -all window- and as your Dad drives off to work, he rolls down his window and waves to us. It’s a tradition you started years ago.)

7:55  You went back to your drawings while I put the dogs out, fed them, and cleaned the poop out of Frank’s kennel L

8:10  I gave sassy Frank a bath in the kitchen sink and then disinfected the sink and counters

8:15  I tidied up the rest of the house (not much to do)

8:30  We started homeschool with four pages of addition practice in Math – a light day today, because you have done extra each day this week, working until 2 and 2:30 each day!

8:45  You did a few worksheets while I started a game of Canasta online.

9:15  You wrote out the answers to some of the questions in your Science book from our experiment this week.

9:30  You took a break

9:45  We watched your lesson for the day in Institute for Excellence in Writing – Created a Story Sequence Chart

10:20 We snacked while finishing IEW – PB toast & water

10:40 Typing lessons

11:00 You did Spanish while I prepped for dinner

11:30 You did art while I watched my devotional

12:00 We had lunch – pizza, honey crisp apples with cinnamon, left over goat cheese mac w/ bacon and gf panko, and baked beans

12:15 You played while I got ready to go out with you for the afternoon

12:45 I set up the Robot Vac to clean the floors while we were gone and we left for Susan’s house

1:00  I visited with Susan while you played with their dog, Grace, in the backyard

2:30  Went to the Once Upon a Child for some costume pieces for your play – got them

4:00  Went to Smart Cow - yummmmm

4:30  Went to costume fitting for play

5:00  I put dinner to finish while you put dogs out

5:15  You and I played Super Nintendo

5:30  Your Dad came home from work with beautiful flowers for me

5:45  We played some more while he showered and dinner finished

6:15  We all ate and watched Little House on the Prairie (we're in Season 5)

7:15  You brushed, washed, had your water and said good night to your Dad while I put the dogs out one last time for the day and tucked them into their room

7:30  I brought you up to read (Battlefield of the Mind for Kids and Tom Sawyer), pray, talk, cuddle and tuck

8:20  I am heading to bed for devotions with your Dad, a little Modern Family or Duck Dynasty, or X Factor