
Pure Love

I think most people tend to imagine that kids are the only ones growing up. But the truth is parents are still growing up too, right alone side their kids. All your life you have been growing up with me, the same way I remember growing up with my Dad when I was a kid. 

When you were younger it was simpler, even fun, to watch you take each new step and make strides. There was an ease and excitement to all your first firsts. It was awesome to see everything new through you. Exploring everything again, while learning who you were becoming - how and why and what you made of each experience. I know you almost as good as I know myself.

I remember being known like that by my Dad who made it his business to watch me, the way I've been privileged to watch you all these years. 

Back then, for me there was nothing like being known the way my Dad knew me. I think it's what bonded me to him in a different way than anyone else in my life. There were times when I would get lost and he would be the only one who could guide me back to where I left off. He taught me to never lead a person where you want them to go, but to hand them the tools to find their own way. 
By the time I was your age I was allowed to be me - taught, corrected, and guided, but never a product. 

Now that it's you and me, I know what drove my Dad to do what he did, the way he did it - Pure Love 

There is nothing like watching you grow and getting to know you everyday. 

And it's amazing that God feels the same way about us. 
He did what He did for us the way that He did it out of Pure Love. 
And to Him, there is nothing like watching us grow into all the things He made a way for us to become, in Him. 

Lately, I feel like the steps you are taking are bigger and thicker than the ones you made as a little boy. It seems that each decision during this part of your upbringing requires more attention and intention. There's more pressure and fear to be a wise and skillful parent now than ever before. 

I've told you that this isn't an easy job that came with a manual. I've told you how your Dad and I will make mistakes, but that we're trying our best because it is the most important thing we will ever do. I've told you that we wouldn't stand a chance if it weren't for God and His perfect plan. He knows full well that we will all mess this all up either way, yet He still makes it His business to raise us up to be with Him anyway. 

That's Pure Love. And we trust God so much. We know that He gave you to us, and that He knew every single thing we would encounter together as a family - every choice we would each make - how it would effect us - and most amazingly, God knows exactly what He will do with all of it to make good!
So when any of us screws up, He uses it to grow us. And when any of us gets it right, He uses it to grow us. And on and on we will continue to grow - right next to each other, in Him. 

And it's all Pure Love, sweetheart. 
Love, Mom

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