
Day 23 - TLT 4h 10m

You have been starting school on time, on your own, everyday. I'm very proud of you for that.
I have been staying away in the mornings so you can get rolling without anyone around you. You prefer that. It's causing me to get out of the loop with the classes you do before I start in with you, but we need to come up with some way to balance that so we both have what we need. We're working it out.

Today you did:

  • Writing from 7:50 to 8:30 (40m)
  • Cultural Geography from 8:30 to 9:10 (40m)
  • Spanish from 9:10 to 9:40 (30m)
  • Algebra from 10:00 to 12:00 (120m)
  • Reading with Dad and me (20m)
You haven't been doing Science or Health because we are planning to do them for the week on the weekends to lighten your daily schedule. You have been reading with Dad and me some evenings. :) 


Day 19 - TLT 4h 15m

Today you started school AT 8:00 on your own. I am very proud of you for that. I could tell you timed your morning and made a point to meet that goal.
I have finished creating my little corner with a lot more organization and cuteness. :)
I am HERE this morning, but not teaching. You did bring up an issue you had with a question in a Spanish quiz, and we had some words over it. We called your dad to get his input. It was all unfortunate, since you really take it hard when things aren't pleasant and gentle coming from me. These growing pains are necessary, but no more fun for me that you, love. You'll get there.

  • You started your own day with Cultural Geography from 8:00 to 8:20 (20m)
  • Then you did Writing and Grammar from 8:20 to 9:10 (70m)
  • Next Spanish from from 9:10 to 10:15 (65m)
  • Science from 10:20 to 11:20 (60m)
  • Lunch 11:20 to 11:50
  • Math from 11:50 to 12:30 (40m)

Day 18 - TLT 4h 45m

Today we attempted to give you more space in the morning to start school on your own. The biggest downfall to this was that you did not get to do Bible time, which is not only important, but generally important to do first in our schedule. Nonetheless, you did work on your classes in succession, on your own for the most part.

  • Writing 8:30 to 10:15 (135m)
  • Spanish 10:20 to 11:00 (40m)
  • Cultural Geography 11:00 to 11:20 (20m)
  • Lunch break 11:30 to 12:00
  • Algebra 1:00 to 2:00 (60m)
  • Science 2:00 to 2:30 (30m) 
I didn't like not knowing what was going on for your classes all day. It was good for us to see how that would work. We're going to try less hand's off, from me, but still giving you free reign in the morning to have less teaching or studying together. I'm not sure about any of it. But it's just a good idea to experiment right now because something isn't quite right. We'll get it. 

Day 17 - TLT 3h 20m

This morning we started on time again! :) With our new Bible Study in the kitchen over breakfast. So proud of us.

  • Bible and Writing and Grammar from 8:00 to 9:00 (60m)
  • Algebra from 9:15 to 10:50 (95m)
Algebra led to a great big break down (mine) and we spent about an hour after I yelled at you for arguing with me about everything and overall making school time much harder than it needed to be. Then we had lunch and came back to school. That's all I have to say. I don't know. lol

  • Science 1:15 to 2:00 Testing (45m)
This day was hard. We learned that we might need to adjust some things for our mornings. We will be trying some new ideas to promote peace and less arguing. 


Day 16 - TLT 5h 40m

We got up and started on time today!!! Whooo-hoooo! So glad for us. :)

  • We started our Jesus time at 8:00. We are beginning a new series together. I'm very excited about it. We finished at 8:15 and you did the assignment until 8:25. (25m)
  • We did Algebra from 8:30 to 11:15
    We ended up having a long conversation about attitude, dark walls causing obstacles, bright open hallways with resources and a partner... it took til 11:45. I hope it was fruitful at all. (165m) 
  • You ate from 11:45 to 12:45
  • Spanish from 12:45 to 1:35 (50m)
  • Cultural Geography from 1:45 to 2:15 (30m)
  • Writing and Grammar from 2:25 to 3:15 (40m)
  • Science from 3:30 to 4:00 (30m) 


Day 15 TLT 3h 50m

We started school at 8:30 today. It's better than the last couple days. :) We will be adding an evening reading session, when you, your Dad and I will be reading our own books to ourselves for 30 minutes or so, together after dinner. Your Dad came up with it, and I think it's a great idea!

  • We started with Bible of course. From 8:30 to 8:50 (20m)
  • Next we did Algebra from 8:50 to 10:10 (80m) 
  • Then you did Cultural Geography from 10:15 to 10:30 (15m) 
  • Followed by Spanish from 10:30 to 11:10 (40m)
  • Grammar and Writing from 11:15 to 12:50 (95m)
  • You had lunch from 1 to 2:00 
  • We finished with Science from 2:00 to 2:40 (40m) 


Day 14 - TLT 5h 15m

We started school late again today. We should probably get on track. It's hard to start early having had such a break due to your cold last week. We'll get it.

  • We did Bible from 9:15 to 9:30 (15m)
  • Followed by Algebra. We did the same thing we did yesterday anew, and again it only took from 9:40 to 11:00 (80m)
  • Then you did Spanish from 11:10 to 11:40. You are finding this to be a lot of review, that isn't as fun for you as it was at first. You are finding it to be boring. But the truth is, boring as it may be, it's an excellent review for you, mixed with a good Bible based teaching. (30m)
  • We took a short lunch break from 11:50 to 12:20.
  • Writing and Grammar from 12:20 to 1:30 (70m)
  • Cultural Geography from 1:30 to 2:00 (30m)
  • Science 2:00 to 2:30 (30m)
  • We hauled rocks for Phy Ed (60m)


Day 13 TLT 5h 50m

We started later than usual today. That's perfectly fine. It's going to be a good day!

  • We did Bible from 9 to 9:30 (30m)
  • We did Algebra a different way today and shaved 30 to 45 minutes off our usual time - from 9:30 to 11:00. We did the assignment, for practice, in parts, after each lesson section. Brilliant! And I learned the lesson with you from my own desk, so we got to do the practices together (which is always the most fun - like playing a game) (90m)
  • You did Spanish next from 11:10 to 12:00 (50m)
  • You had lunch and a break afterward, from 12:15 to 1:45
  • We returned to do Cultural Geography from 2:00 to 3:00 (60m)
  • You did Writing and Grammar from 3:00 to 5:00 (120m)


Day 12 TLT 3h 10m

Crazy that we're 20 days into school and only on day 12. ?? We did have Thursday and Friday vacation for the Aries concert and Chicago. But also you were sick this past week and only did one full day of school total. I felt so bad for you. It was a rough cold. You spent most of your days in bed and you lost weight from not eating much.
But today we are back in full swing with your cold being much better, and IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! I was planning to have this day off with you, but with the past week, I decided we shouldn't afford another day off. You didn't mind at all.

  • We started with Bible from 8:40 to 9:10 (20m)
  • Then we worked on Algebra from 9:20 to 11:40 in review and studying for you Chapter Test. Then you took your test. (2h 20m)
  • You had lunch from 11:45 to 12:50
  • Next we corrected your Math Test. You got an A on it. :)
  • Because we are on day 12 and all the rest of your courses say you are to begin day 13, we just called a day to celebrate your Birthday. You and I cleaned up the house quick, and went outside. It's 80 degrees today. Whoot! Homeschool rules.
  • AND we call that outdoor action in the form of walking Phy Ed. (30m)

Day Nine - TLT 6h 40m

  • Today we started with Bible reading from 8:10 to 8:50. We read about Moses going up to the Mt. and receiving the commandments, and all the Isrealites giving up on him and God and worshiping the golden calf as an idol. We felt like it was pretty immature of Moses to break the tablets, GOD wrote and gave him after SIX weeks together, when he saw this. Just saying. (40min)
  • You started your courses with Algebra. From 9:00 to 11:00. You had to take the longest notes ever for the lesson - Three pages! I'm glad you got this class out of the way first today. (120m)
  • You had lunch from 11:00 to 11:45.
  • Next you did Cultural Geography from 11:45 to 12:30. Still on Map stuff. (90min)
  • Science was from 12:35 to 1:20. (45min)
  • You did Writing and Grammar from 1:30 to 2:30 (60m)
  • Spanish was from 2:30 to 3:15 (45m)


Day 11 - TLT 4h 35m

I was a school slacker today. Didn't get to my desk until 8:30. You were already started! :) Nice job.

  • You did Spanish from 8:15 to 9 (45m) There's so much review, so I'm sure it's nice to just sit back and enjoy your entertaining teacher and not work to hard. For some odd reason you're a day ahead in your Spanish than all your other classes. ???
  • You did Writing and Grammar from 9 to 9:45 (45m)
  • You did Cultural Geography from 9:45 to 11:15 (30m)
  • You ate lunch from 11:15 to 1:30
  • We did Science Lab from 1:30 to 2:20 (50m)
  • We did Algebra from 2:30 to 3:45 (75m)
  • Did Phy Ed - worked out (30m) Carry over Phy Ed from a 3 hour walk with Zach on Sat 


Day 10 - TLT 5h 45m

Today we started school on time. You woke up extra early to mow the lawn, but when you got out there, the grass was too wet with dew. 
  • We started Bible reading at 8:10 to 8:30. (20m)
  • We did independent Algebra review of yesterday's lesson to give more time and practice to the concepts. 8:30 to 11:00. We still aren't completely comfortable with the concepts. We really could use more practice. May focus tomorrow on practicing concepts rather than move ahead in program. (150m)
  • Then you got to mow the lawn from 11:10 to 11:45. We're counting that for some Phy Ed because it's great movement. :) (35m)
  •  You at lunch from 12:00 to 1:00 then showered.
  • You did Writing and Grammar from 1:30 to 2:15 (45m)
  • We did Science from 2:15 to 2:40 (25m)
  • You did Cultural Geography from 2:40 to 3:20 (40m)
  • Finally, you did Spanish 3:30 to 4:00 (30m)
I went to the beach at 3:00 today. You insisted because it's 80 degrees and we won't have such warm days much longer. You finished your CG and Spanish without me. I like that this program guides you if you have to be on your own (so I can go to the beach). Tomorrow I will look over your work and see how you did. Very convenient. :) 


Day 8 - TLT 5h 15m

We woke up and started late today. Your dad has off work, and so we didn't have our human alarm clock. :) I want to say that a flexible start time is our right as homeschoolers, but I know the truth is, the later we start the later we finish. With an 6 to 8 hour schedule in front of us, that will be frustrating to you. We did start at 8:45 tho, so not too late.

  • We started with Bible, from 8:45 to 9:00. We read a really cool thing Sonny shared about Friday the 13th, and what the Word says about superstitions and the like. (15m)
  • You jumped right into Cultural Geography from 9:00 to 9:30. You watched your lesson, took notes on the new material (map reading review for you on the Geographic Grid), did your reading and assignment. (30m)
  • You had a quick breakfast break.
  • Next you did Writing & Grammar from 9:45 to 10:30 (45m)
  • After that you did Science from 10:35 to 11:00 WHOOT! I read your chapter to you and you took solid notes. (25m)
  • Next up! Spanish. From 11:05 to 11:45. (40m)
  • You ate lunch from 11:45 to 12:30
  • You did Algebra from 12:30 to 2:10. (100m)
  • We walked for an hour for Phy Ed. (60m)
I'm not sure what it is that leaves you with shorter, easier days like this once in a while. I'm right here the whole time, so I know it's not you. Somedays, you do take 10-15 mins to yourself between a couple classes rather than 5 mins. But that would only add under and hour or less. I SEE the long and intense requirements of our bigger days. Today was a short and sweet one. And it couldn't have come at a better time for you. We have never appreciated weekends so much in years! Happy Weekend son! :)


Day Seven - TLT 6h 45m

We were up on time and ready by 8:15 again.

  • Our Bible time 8:15 to 9:30 turned into relationship building, open talk, and life lessons. I know this is one of the most valuable parts of Homeschooling for us. Being able to really talk with you, hear from you, speak into you, and learn from you; who you are, what you're about, how you feel, what you want, where you're heading... I'm grateful to God that He made a way for our family to invest in one another so thoroughly. I love knowing you. (75m)
  • You did Cultural Geography from 9:40 to 11:00. Class, reading, note taking during and after both, assignment, studying countries of North America and acing the test! Nice job! (80m)
  • Spanish was from 11:10 to 11:40 (30m)
  • Lunch from 11:45 to 12:45
  • You did Writing & Grammar from 12:55 to 1:25. It was all a Chapter Test. (30m)
  • You did Science from 1:35 to 2:15. It too was all a Chapter Test. (40m)
  • Then you did Algebra from 2:30 to 4:10. It really pleases me to see how hard you work and how resourceful you are at note taking, and looking up help options for areas you'd like more info on, or get stuck with. Today you used the internet to watch a video done by a different teacher concerning one of your section review questions. (100m)
  • When you finished we went back and read the Science assignment and completed a W&G worksheet in the back of your book that we missed a couple days ago. (30m)
  • We did health from 4:40 to 5:00 (20m)
  • We did not do Art today, for time-sake. 

I think we can safely say we started about and hour later than usual because of our morning conversation. I hear you when you say that this year is hard. It is. And so SO good. I love that it's challenging and stretching you, giving you solid blocks in every subject to build upon day, after day. We are just one week in, and I already feel like we've gained and grown so much as a homeschool, and you as a student. :) 

Day Six - TLT 8h 15m

This morning, I made homemade Waffles in our new mini waffle maker that turns out to be the exact size and shape of Eggos. The recipe I used tasted more like waffles or pancake waffles. I will keep experimenting. I'm sure you won't mind being the tester. :)

  • We read Bible from 8:15 to 8:45 - about the complaining Israelites on the "trip" to Cannan. Also, we read about manna and the Sabbath. (30m)
  • From 8:50 to 9:30 we reviewed the Physical Science chapter you are in, you watched the review video and took a pre-test. You did really well, only getting one question wrong. As always. (40m)
  • From 9:40 to 10:00 you did Cultural Geography and a closer look at the North American Countries. (20m)
  • From 10:00 to 10:55 you did Spanish. I felt like with SEVEN steps today, Spanish was coming for your soul! lol You did it well though. I think Spanish is your fave this year. I know the teacher is your favorite for sure. :) (55m)
  • We had lunch from 11:00 to 12:00
  • You did Writing & Grammar from 12:10 to 4:30. This time was because we had a lot of catching up and revisions to notes we were not aware of - in MAJOR prep for a test. Sometimes test prep needs to take time and energy. Keeping up on notes and learning the information as it's taught, including doing the provided practices, results in much shorter prep times. (4h 20m)
  • You did Algebra from 4:40 to 6:10 (1h 30m)
Between the added W&G work, my crazy joke swears and the rubber band run we made for your braces, today was a bit of a roller coaster. All in all I'd say it was pretty fun, actually. It's HARD to change course from such a free and fun summer of NOTHING we don't want to do, to even greater demands, standards and time investment expected for this years schooling. Even I am feeling caged and like I want to break free and be wild sometimes. We might need to add a little bit of fun, joking, weird theatrical reading, meme breaks, etc... to help make this season more enjoyable. Either way, I love that I get to be with you, whatever the day looks like. :) You're awesome. 


Day 5 - TLT 5h 35m

This morning we started on time!! :) I played video games before school, and got other stuff done just for me, early. That was nice. You got right up at 7:00 and got ready for your day.

  • From 8 to 8:20 we did Bible. Reading about the Red Sea parting. (20m)
  • From 8:25 to 10:00 you did Algebra, diligently. (1h 35m)
  • From 10:10 to 10:30 you did Cultural Geography. You were SO happy to have completed the work, which was a test and reading assignment, in such a short time today. It does seem that somedays your lessons require less of you than others. That's nice. Like opening a little gift to see what's in store each class, everyday. I'm sure it feels just like Christmas to you. lol :) (20m)
  • From 10:30 to 10:40 we did some geography work that I prepared for you, reviewing the continents today. Just making sure you DO know where Australia is. :) (10m)
  • From 10:40 to 11:15 you did Writing and Grammar. (35m)
  • From 11:20 to 12:00 you did Science Lab and Chapter Test. You are a star at Science. Always have been. Impressed me with your verbal responses and recollection of lessons. (40m)
  • From 12:05 to 12:50 you did Spanish (45m)
  • From 1:00 to 1:45 we did Health (45m)
  • From 1:50 to 2:15 you did Art with a lot of fun art stuff (25m)
You had a great attitude today. You expressed that you felt like I was angry a bit today. I was not at all, but I might have been a little more straight and narrow minded today. Partly because of yesterday, and partly because it's going to be 80 degrees today and I want to finish school on time so we can enjoy it! :) 

It's 2:15 and I'm going to the beach!!!!! :) :) :) 
Peace out!


Day Four - TLT 6h 10m

We started school at 8:15 today. That just might be our start time. It happens that way more than not. Or we need 15 minutes longer than our start time whenever it is, and would start closer to 8:30 if we moved it to 8:15. :) Not sure. We'll keep it 8:00 and start at 8:15 for now.

  • From 8:15 to 8:40 we did Bible reading and talked about the Passover. (20m)
  • You completed Algebra from 8:45 to 9:20. :) This is not because you did anything faster or better. You've been very proficient all along. The lesson just wasn't as long or demanding. I like that. (35m)
  • (Free time of 40m between classes for shower)
  • You started Cultural Geography at 10:00. We took a lunch break at 11, and resumed CG at 12:00. You finished at 12:30. It was longer than usual today. There was a lot for you to accomplish and you did a little procrastinating on the essay portion. It turned out great though. You have good ideas worth listening to and the way you write them makes it fun to read. (1h 30m)
  • (Free time of 30 minutes between classes)
  • You did Writing and Grammar from 1:00 to 2:00. We corrected, studied and reviewed lesson using the assignment and you took a quiz. (1h)
  • Next you did Physical Science from 2:10 to 2:40 when you walked away from it. (30m)
  • We took a walk for Phy Ed and visited the neighbors for about 20 minutes. (60m)
  • You did Spanish from 4:15 to 5:00. (45m)
  • We finished Physical Science between 5:00 and 5:30. (30m)


Day Three - TLT 6hr 50min

Third day in, and one more to go for the week!
You got up at 7am on the dot today. When I came up to get you at 8:05 you were finishing your breakfast and said you did not want to do school and you were still hungry. I told you to grab some more breakfast and come on down. When you came down you were in a better mood already. :)
  • We did Bible from 8:10 to 8:30. You were not happy to read the second half, but you did read it and very well.
  • You did Algebra from 8:40 to 10:30 including lesson, assignment, quiz and test. You proved mastery to move forward to the next lesson. (There was a 10 minute phone call that came in about your new job at the dog center that you did stop the course for!)  I sent in a help ticket to BJU asking about the intended duration of this class. The way it is set up, you don't have a choice but to take a couple of hours for math when all is going smoothly on our end. That seems extensive. 
  • You did Cultural Geography from 10:35 to 12:00. You noticed that the lessons ARE Geographical in nature, Biblical or not. Yay for you! And we learned some interesting info about the Chinese culture, the trajectory of their population, and the issues that could arise from this. They asked you to respond from a Christian Worldview. You asked me how you should do that (being that you aren't really in that mindset). I told you to respond from a Worldly Worldview. This alleviated all concern.
  • You reluctantly lunched at 12:00, but then didn't return to school work until 1:35, per some redirection from the Administrator. :)
  • You did Spanish from 1:35 to 2:15.
  • We did a Science Lab from 2:30 to 3:30. It was awesomely successful for us like no other science lab in our past. You had to do some MAJOR writing and observations, and you killed it.
  • We went upstairs to get dinner cooking together (counts as Home Ec - 30 mins). Then we went outside to clean the dog pen, bring in garbage cans and sweep the patio before the rain came.
  • We resumed with Health from 4:15 to 5:00.  You completed a chapter and chapter review. 
Today I remembered how much I love being back to school with you. I feel like I barely see you in the summer because of our different activities. During the school year we have always been together so much more often every day. This year I feel like we spend even more time together than we have in the past few years. I love my desk across the room. I love visiting, talking to you, hearing your ideas and learning who you are and why. I love homeschooling. The flexibility and connection. Awesomeness. 

Zeek's proudest moment of Lora today: Mom's not slacking with the rules. It feels so much more scheduled than before. 

Lora's proudest moment of Zeek today: Standing up for himself and his beliefs. 

Day Two - TLT 5h 20m

  • We started Bible at 8:10, reading about Joseph's death and the way the Egyptian's Pharaoh enslaved the Israelites to keep them from overthrowing the Egyptians. We read about Moses's birth and rescuing, as well as how he grew to love God, hold on to His promises and stand loyal to God and his own people.
  • You started a Mr D Math Demo at 8:35. We were testing it out to see if you like it more than Bob Jones Algebra. You did not. We will stick with Bob Jones.
  • You did Cultural Geography from 9:00-9:40. It was still Bible heavy. I like that, but I don't suspect it will continue all year. I'm sorry you haven't really had that in enough of your classes the past couple of years for it to seem normal, good, or right to be learning. I hope this program helps you see how valuable it can be, as well as how to discern between man made doctrine and God's Truth. You would be learning the cultural and geographical concepts through one form of example or another. Why not God? Or more so, it is best that it is God.
  • You did Writing and Grammar from 9:45 to 10:40. It was lots of review about sentence punctuation. You got to do some workbook exercises and an online Quiz. The quiz made us aware of a review you needed on the predicate portion of sentence structure. We reviewed and reset the quiz. You retook it and did well. 
  • You did fun, fast Spanish from 10:45 to 11:10. I love that your Spanish pronunciation and dialect is so on point. That was important to me when you started learning Spanish, since Kindergarden. Very glad to hear that you don't speak spanglish, what-so-ever.
  • You did Physical Science from 11:15 to 12:15 - watched the video. Decided you'd be best to skip videos and write down and study definitions and important info from text for tests on these days. Took test. Did well.
  • You did your intro to Health from 12:30 to 1:10. You shared some interesting observations about the material. I think it is healthy and solid material so far, but will be reading some of the first Unit before or after you do so I can keep an eye on it. 
  • You finished your day out with a nice Art Lesson sometime in the night. (20mins)

Funny of the day:
"Remember that one time when I was at piano practice and we saw the (C Family) and the boy was like, 'I can play Yankee Doodle really fast.' and he was like, 'lets have a competition of who can play it the fastest.' AND I SHUT HIS ASS DOWN!"

Yay! Today we used the program more proficiently in way of our goals. As a result it took us much less time to complete. You kept your spirits up, and I even felt you getting happier and more hopeful as the day went on. I'm happy with the big difference we were able to make in just one day. Congrats!

Lora's favorite part of the day: Experiencing lessons sped up with fast talking teachers.

Forgot to ask Zeek his favorite part of the day.


Day One - TLT (Total Learning Time) 9h

First full day of school today. We did an intro last Friday to get a hand on what's to come.

So far, you got up at about 7:10am. Ate. We started a few minutes late because I was adding info to the outside of your binders and hanging some file dividers for them. No biggie.
  • We did Bible first. Read about Joseph reuniting with his family in Egypt. 8:20-8:50
    We had some technical difficulties with your laptop (prob because I used it all weekend to play Sims)
  • Then you started Algebra at 9. You finished at 11:30 (it was not because of you). We will make further evaluations as the week goes on. When you were half way through you said, "Father is going to be happy when he asks me what I did in school today. I actually just LEARNED something." You sounded pleased with the lesson - though you later wanted to talk about how long it was. (I feel that those thoughts were planted because the teacher says more than once in the intro that if it takes your student such-and-such time, it might be too hard for them. I don't appreciate those limiting statements and will discard them.
    I was especially impressed with and proud of your note taking skills! I can see the work paying off from last year. 
  • We had lunch from 11:30 to 12:30. 
  • You did Cultural Geography from 12:30 to 1:30. It was amazing. I learned cool things myself. 
  • You did Writing and Grammar from 1:40 to 2:15. A nice 35 minute class for today. 
  • Science was a trial today. From 2:30 to 4:30 You spent about an hour doing it, but we had about an hour of talk and a verbal retest at the end. The video portion of the lesson was boring and unnecessary and the questions at the end of the reading were more "Biblical based" than "Science". You did not agree with that, and you got a B- for having one of five questions incorrect. I know you were feeling disappointed and tired nearing the end of the day. Hang in there. We are just testing and checking all of this out. You did well in Science. Keep a Growth Mindset as best you can. 
  • Spanish was from 4:30 to 5:10 and it was SO cute and fun. 
Over all you impressed me today. I loved looking over at you in your pink polo shirt with that hair - OH THAT HAIR! - looking like you have a private stylist who comes in for you, working hard and diligently on your course work. Your highlighting information, rearranging things to suit your needs and preferences, and even putting socks on your cat's back all made me quite full today. Great work on your first day. I know it took longer than we want it to, but we are in control and we can make adjustments as needed. Our goal isn't to "complete the program", but to learn solid, steady, and in progression. I know we can accomplish that in less time. We just need to look at what they program offers in full, and then adjust it as we see fit.

Zeek's least favorite part of day: Science

Lora's least favorite part of day: When Zeek felt so disappointed in getting a B- and nothing I could say would make him realize that's a good grade, or feel better.

Zeek's favorite part of day: Math

Lora's favorite part of day: Zeek and Cultural Geography