
One Week into Our New Life

Our first week of public school has come to its end and I could not be more pleased. Well, maybe if the schools had a better Math curriculum than speed testing - but who's to say that won't be the one thing that gives you a Math edge in the long run? 

You were given your personal iPad Thursday. With rules and boundaries laid in place by the school, you will have ongoing "training" and instruction in using it for your year during the next couple of weeks. Your Dad and I are so glad that your school is so tech-savy. 

You are just amazing. Your whole gig has changed this week, and I am in love with the transformation. You stand and talk differently. You are direct and concise and looking people in the eye. You are taking responsibility on your own. You are being so solid and respectful. I'm so proud of you when I think of what you undertook this week and how you handled it like such a strong and capable young man. 

Just four days of public school - this place where God told us to bring you - and you have shaped up and grown so much. Amazing! 

I am excited to spend the weekend together. It's a looooooong four day week when I don't see you, and I'm working (only a bit so far) and we're trying to create new routines and learn schedules… 
From what I can see already, this is going to be even better for us all than I even imagined! 

God is so good. 

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