
Glory come down

I woke in peace. Grateful that terror struck the morning before and not the day of our 2010 NC trip. That He knew I would need some time and encouragement. A push that would bring me to own a better perspective:

*melding together in prayer, requests unwrapped and laid out at His feet with my Husband 

*an outpouring of inner truth and soul searching at breakfast with my Moses
*an intent and relentless listening for His guidance 
*Audio Adrenaline's "You have my attention" running over the top of my puffy bruised sores 
*and finally the promise that I'll travel in irrational fear for as long as I live if only in order to get closer to Him 

another layer of onion fell in the New Moon

At times when my will is weakened and my heart is afraid I thank God that the enemy is trying to work me over, because it's most important then for me to find Him. It is during these times that I declare more deeply and Receive more thoroughly, in the fire.


I spent the morning with praise on my heart. My spirit shook out the fear of breaking as His Spirit welcomed me into the light. And as I walked by the window in my well rehearsed pre-flight routine I was stunned...

Glory come down

It stopped me in my tracks. I went out to see it in full. I Heard. I cried. My Mom calls them kisses, these things that He places in our path meant just for us. To translate Himself to us, speaking in our common spirit language. 

hello, Lord.

holy experience
