
jaymee glynn

Jaymee is here. 
We picked her up from school yesterday afternoon. 

She had been in Hawaii with her family to see her Uncle Jeff compete in the Iron Man. 
We missed her while she was away.

Julie called as soon as they were in the car on their way to their house from the airport. Jay couldn’t wait to see you and tell us all about her adventures in Hawaii! We planned for a sleep over ASAP! We couldn’t wait either.

She came bearing lots of gifts; sea shell necklaces for me, stickers, Hawaii magnets, post cards, and ocean shells for you. 

She told us all about swimming with dolphins, seeing a volcano, “borrowing a little house called a condo”, and watching Uncle compete. 
It is great to see her again. I’m so glad that she was able to have such an awesome and unique experience.

The two of you played non-stop, of course. Then I closed the door to your bedroom and created a special little sleeping space for the two of you. I moved your bed out of the way and made one big bed in the middle of the floor. You were both so excited about it that you couldn’t wait to go to sleep. 
I read about a chapter of our current book (a new favorite of mine: Then There Were Five, by Elizabeth Enright) and you were both sound to sleep.

Today, I have a photo shoot, then I’m taking you and Jay for a ride in your new Jeep. I hope you can handle taking turns driving with her. She’ll want to drive for sure.

Tomorrow, Gra comes again for a whole week! =)

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