
Zeek said:

zeek: mom, why’s Yuki’s nose always wet?
me: I don’t know. Maybe because she’s always licking it?
zeek: maybe we can find out on dog.com

“please can I have some juice and why do you have boobs?”

zeek: I found something I could do.
me: what is it?
zeek: I can’t tell ya’. It’s not a teller thing. It’s a see-er thing. And it’s in the kitchen. Wanna come catch it?

Playing xbox fish game with me Zeek says,
“You can’t ever eat the shark. Not on the demo.”

Playing memory with Jay he says,
“Mom! I found some bats so now I have six...and jaymee barely has four.”

He came hobble-skipping into the living room, leaned over on the couch with his arm over his stomach, looked up at me with his eyes half closed and strained to tell me, 

“I ate way too much candy, so don’t squeeze me.” 
